Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Place Of My Own

 Ever since I started sewing, I have dreamed of having my own sewing room; a place where I could spread out, and let my creative genius flow. Somewhere I could call my own space; a sewing haven. There I could leave all my things, and know they would still be there next time I came to sew.
 I tend to be a messy seamstress. I don’t like to take the time to clean as I go. So I usually leave my scraps and various other items lying around till I’m finished my project. Then I clean everything up. I think this is because I am always in a hurry to finish what I’m working on. Rarely do I ever leisurely sew. There seems to always be a deadline.

 Most of the time, I would just sew at the kitchen table. Then, when meal times came around, I would have to clear off all my things. Then set it all back up again afterwards. What a pain! But it was better than nothing. I tried using my bedroom as a sewing room, but that did not work. I had pins, thread, and material scraps all over my bedroom floor.  My room is too small! There definitely isn’t enough space to spread out.

 Then my dad made a room over our garage, which he planned on using as a guest house. I asked him if I could use it to sew in when we didn’t have people staying there. He agreed, and I moved all my stuff in. It still doesn’t quite fulfill my dream to have a place of my own to sew in, but it’s a start. :)
 I will keep dreaming, and hoping to have a sewing room all my own. Till then, I am thankful to have a place that I can leave my machine up so that it’s ready whenever I am. Maybe when I get my own house, I will be able to set a room aside; but then again, maybe not. We shall see! I will always persevere, and keep sewing, even if I have to use the kitchen table again. :) 

 Oh by the way, check out my new pages! I am slowly adding pictures of all my past sewing projects. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Let's Start At The Very Beginning"

Here I am writing my first blog post. I must confess I find this whole blogging world rather daunting. However; I am going to give it a try. I worry that I won't have the time to keep it up, but here goes nothing.....

The Purpose of this blog is to write about my sewing projects, and hopefully give you other seamstresses out there an idea or two. I would also love to get ideas from any of you who love to sew! I plan on putting up pictures of my projects, and if you see something you like, let me know. I do sew for other people.

I love to sew! I started experimenting with it when I was a little girl. The first thing I ever sewed, with a machine, was a piece of paper. *smile* My mom had me practice sewing straight lines on it. My first project was a log cabin quilt. I liked making that quilt, but I soon discovered that my real passion was clothing!

I started making clothes for my little sister. Little girls' clothes are great for beginners. Then I began sewing for myself. I loved the accomplished feeling you experience when you are able to wear something you made with your own hands. Especially if you did everything right, and it looks good. :)

Then I made my first period costume, and I was hooked! It actually turned out terribly, but I still knew that I wanted to keep on making costumes. I have since gotten much better, thankfully, and have made a period costume from almost every era.

So there you have it, my first post. Did I do OK? Hopefully my next post will be about the sewing project I'm working on, and will have pictures. I have to figure out how to work this whole blog thing. :)