Thursday, December 1, 2011

Handmade Christmas gifts, Bing Crosby, and Victorian Costumes!!

 I am so excited about the Christmas season! Christmas time is my favorite time of year! I love Thanksgiving, but there's just something about the feeling in the air at Christmas time. :) I love it when I can finally start listening to my Christmas music! Nothing says Christmas like Bing Crosby's smooth voice singing all those well known songs!  I pull out Holiday Inn, White Christmas, and Christmas in Connecticut, and get warm fuzzies all over. :) By the way, if you haven't seen these classic Christmas movies, take my advice and watch them this Christmas time!
  So, I desperately need to begin work on all the ideas I have for Christmas projects. We had so much flurry around here at Thanksgiving time, that I had no time for sewing. Unfortunately, I do this almost every year. I wait till the last minute to begin my gifts, and then stress myself out trying to finish them in time. :) Every year, after Christmas, I vow to do better next year, but do I? NO! Time always seems to slip away from me.

 I can't give away too much, since people I am making gifts for will possibly read this post, but I have several projects in mind for Christmas presents. I have given myself a challenge to be creative this year and spend as little money as possible, but still give fabulous gifts. I certainly don't want to give anyone a cheesy, handmade gift. We've all gotten them right? Some well meaning person, who you would never tell to the their face, gave you something that probably ended up in your closet the whole year, till you finally felt like you had kept it long enough to throw away. :) Well, I guess I am speaking from experience. Maybe none of you have done such a hideous thing. :) Anyway, I am under the firm belief that you can make a gift yourself that is inexpensive, and useful/lovely. :) I have gotten some of those too. Several of them made by my dear friend Rachel.

 I have also been sighing over some pictures of Victorian Christmas dresses. I have always wanted to get a group together, dress in Victorian winter attire, and go Christmas Caroling. I have not gotten it together yet. Maybe one day! Wouldn't you just love to wear this dress to some Christmas party? I know I would! :)


  1. GAH! Christmas, Victoriana, Bing Crosby....*swoons and is sits in a pile of mush*. I wish I could sew a dress in as short a time as I can imagine one up! (And I wish I had money for fabric. :P) Ah yes, handmade gifts, if done right, can be the best. :)

  2. Nice post!! The dress is gorgeous!! And it would look FABULOUS on you!! <3 =)
