Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Cards: To send or not to send?

 For the past couple of years, we have not sent out Christmas cards due to the expense of stamps. I always thought it was rather grinchy of us, but what could I do! :) But this year, I decided that we should send out cards. So, my sisters and I had cards made, and are sending some to our friends. We did try to keep the list from getting too long. We're not sending them to all those people you never see, but who are somehow still in your address book. :)

 So what do you think? Are you or your family sending out Christmas cards? I am just curious about it. I know that stamps are rather expensive these days. Sending Christmas cards seems to be something of an old family tradition though. I'm cool with getting an e-card, but there's just something about getting an good old fashioned piece of mail. :)


  1. I've always wanted to send Christmas cards, but we never do. We haven't the time, I guess. :D Rather Hum-bug if you ask me, but there it is. :)

  2. Sooooo cute....I try to hand out most of my Christmas cards to save on the stamps but there are some family members and good friends I just have to mail them to...this year I got a bunch of free ones from different sites and then paid for some just regular pictures for the rest.

  3. i wish we sent Christmas cards too! That looks great Joanna!

    P.S Hey Charity!!=D

  4. A beautiful Christmas card! :)

  5. Your cards are very sweet. We still send cards but we have definitely cut back on who we send them to.
